Overview effect

The overview effect is a transcendental, euphoric feeling of universal connection reported by some astronauts during spaceflight, often while viewing the Earth from orbit or from the lunar surface.[1][2][3] Third-hand observers of these individuals may also report a noticeable difference in attitude. Astronauts Rusty Schweikart,[3] Edgar Mitchell,[3] and Tom Jones[4] are all reported to have experienced the effect.

The term and concept 'overview effect' was coined in 1987 by author Frank White, and explored in his book The Overview Effect - Space Exploration and Human Evolution (1987).[4]

See also


* The effect can also be compared to the shamanic experience with the sacred san pedro cactus and related shamanic plants. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echinopsis_pachanoi
  1. ^ The effect is compared to Buddhist monks meditating.
  2. ^ "Space Euphoria: Do Our Brains Change When We Travel in Outer Space?", Daily Galaxy, 2008-05-20, webpage: DailyGalaxy-805.
  3. ^ a b c "The Human Brain in Space: Euphoria and the “Overview Effect” Experienced by Astronauts", Ian O'Neill, Universe Today, 2008-05-22, webpage: UToday-522.
  4. ^ a b "Space Tourism: Face Time with Earth", Leonard David, Senior Space Writer, SPACE.com, 2006-08-05, webpage: Space-ecotour.

External links